SFRS Car Park Build
SFRS Car Park Build
Here at DAMM Environmental, our Civils department has been working recently for Scottish Fire & Rescue via Robertson’s FM. We’ve created a new car park! An overspill car park for the West Asset Resource Centre – a new state-of-the-art Asset Resource Centre for the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, adjacent to the existing SFRS Headquarters and training facilities in Cambuslang, on the outskirts of Glasgow. This new facility provides a centre to service the fleet and emergency vehicles, as well as providing office, storage, and staff welfare facilities.
To begin with, we carried out a survey and exploratory digs (to determine the depth/make-up of the underlying stone formation) on an area of hard standing, which had been installed as a compound area for the building of the new asset resource centre. We then undertook a cut and fill exercise, to reach the required level for the car park’s foundations. We then installed 4 runs of kerb to form a footpath, parking and verge area for the new car park. We then excavated and installed 8 road gullies (drains). Then we surfaced the car park and footpaths, and upon completion lined and signed the ingress and egress to illustrate the car park’s mandatory one way system. We were then instructed by our client to install ducting and foundations for street lighting columns. The end result is a well-lit, clearly marked, overspill car park.